
 admin   2024-02-03 22:30   16 人阅读  0 条评论

2010年洪水泰宁案 because of foul weather 或者 because of bad weather

冷天气跑业务文案案 we planned to walk to the mountain top, but we ended up taking subway because of the bad weather.

宜春 丰城天气60度案 Because of the bad weather, he didn't go swimming with his friend.

牙周炎能直接拔除么案 翻译为因为坏天气,我们呆在家里 Because of the bad weather, we stayed at home.

做梦当冰淇淋老板案 因为糟糕的天气没去任何精的地方 Because the bad weather didn't go anywhere. 因为糟糕的天气没去任何精的地方 Because the bad weather didn't go anywhere.

樊振东赛后采访最新案 the weather is bad! 天气很差是the weather is so bad!

脸小的人不高案 1。Because of the bad weather, we are unlikely to reach the destination before dark 2.I found speak fluent English is very difficult

关于江西抚州天气案 我没有来,因为这天气是糟糕的。I didn't come here because the weather was very bad.I didn't come here because of the bad weather.The bad weather stopped me (from)

深圳最冷的时候天气案 because of the bad weather


属鸡天蝎座佩戴案 because of bad weather 不用加 the

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