
 admin   2024-01-08 12:30   13 人阅读  0 条评论

淮阳最近天气预报案 案是The weather in Shanghai is different from that in Beijing ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提,感谢采纳!~

华为手机的天气系统案 The weather in Shanghai Is different from that in Beijing.

广州文武口罩different places ,different weather或 There is different weather in different places.

追击巨人 在线播放韩剧案 Today is may 1st.Dongguan is sunndy.Guangzhou is hot.jgjdg is cold.Guangdong iscool.Tianjing is rain.

天气变化就会背酸案 天气The USA weather is cloudy/sunny/windy/rainy/wet/hot/humid/cold/cool/snowy 人们的活动The weather is sunny,so,some people go shopping,others people go

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